Enrich your career and become a global citizen through languages and cultures.
澳门线上赌博平台大学’s Department of 语言 and 文化研究 seeks to prepare students to be true global citizens. 除了西班牙语教学, 法国, 德语和英语作为第二语言, we promote community service in the target language and study abroad opportunities around the world.
在今天的全球市场中, languages are a valuable addition to your résumé, opening doors to better career opportunities and higher salaries.
除了西班牙语教学 and other languages, you’ll have opportunities 参与 community service with Hispanics in the Winchester-Frederick County community and study abroad opportunities around the world. 我们的小, interactive classes are led by professors who combine cutting-edge scholarship with individualized attention to help you develop to your fullest potential.
Department of 语言 and 文化研究 Programs
谢南多厄的 西班牙语文学学士 is intended for students interested in teaching 西班牙语 as well as for those preparing to attend graduate school or to incorporate Hispanic studies into their chosen careers. The program includes courses designed to help you develop skills in speaking, 听力理解, 阅读和写作. You’ll also gain an understanding of Hispanic cultures in 西班牙, Latin America and the United States.
谢南多厄的 西班牙小 prepares students to integrate language skills and Hispanic studies into their chosen careers. The program includes courses designed to help students develop their skills in speaking, 听力理解, 阅读和写作.
谢南多厄的 法国小 program prepares you for an exciting future in a variety of careers. By learning how to use different communicative skills and gaining insights into 法国 and Francophone cultures, you’ll be able to effectively apply different perspectives.
Make studying abroad the highlight of your college experience! Whether you go for a year, a semester, or just a few weeks. You will never forget learning in another culture! The Center for International Programs is here to help you plan your study abroad experience. Start your planning early to ensure the courses you complete abroad count toward your degree and you graduate on time.
Universidad Del Centro Educativo Latinoamericano (UCEL): 阿根廷
在过去十年里, 澳门线上赌博平台大学 students have traveled to Rosario, 阿根廷第三大城市, 参与 Universidad del Centro Educativo Latinoamericano’s 西班牙语和文化沉浸课程. The three-week program is a truly affordable and unique opportunity to earn three 西班牙语 language credits while immersing oneself in Argentine culture. 住在寄宿家庭, attending classes and joining in many activities in Rosario, each participant will make new friends and adapt to the local lifestyle while improving 西班牙语 language skills and fulfilling academic course requirements.
了解更多信息, the International Cross Cultural Center, 地中海大厅, at (540) 665-5460.
自2005年以来, members of the 澳门线上赌博平台大学 community have had the opportunity to travel for ten days during spring break on an all-expenses-paid, faculty-led旅行. Applicants can be undergraduate or graduate students, 工作人员, 或教师, 如果被选中, they must be willing to travel anywhere in the world. 申请截止日期为9月, and travelers and their destinations are announced at International Convocation in November.
The language faculty at SU have planned and led a number of 全球公民计划 trips, 包括去墨西哥的旅行, 阿根廷, 哥斯达黎加, 巴拿马, 智利, 秘鲁, 德国, 西班牙, 和厄瓜多尔.
了解更多信息, 联系国际跨文化中心, 地中海大厅, at (540) 665-5460.